$129.00 USD

This workshop (the “Workshop”) is conducted by Lee Harris, Lee Harris Energy, the Perabo Group and each of their contracted staff (the “Proprietors"). By registering for the Workshop, you (the “Participant”) signify your acceptance of and obligation to these terms and conditions (the “Agreement”). If you have any objections to the following Agreement, you should not register for the Workshop.

Waiver of Liability

By ticking the box to agree to hold the Proprietors entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence. By agreeing to these terms you forfeit all rights to bring a suit against the Proprietors for any reason.

Liability Disclaimer: No Professional Advice

The information contained in or made available by the Proprietors or any third-party through the Workshop or their websites or services cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, mental, financial, medical, psychological, or legal fields. The Proprietors do not offer any professional personal, medical, financial, or legal advice and none of the information contained in the Workshop should be confused as such advice. Neither the Proprietors nor their assigns, sponsors, speakers, agents, managers, partners, contractors or any of their affiliates will be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages to the Participant or the Participant’s business, including economic loss, that may result from participation in the Workshop or from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials, information, or strategies communicated through the Workshop or any products or services provided pursuant to the Workshop, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, will the Proprietors be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from Participant’s involvement in the activities of the Workshop. To be clear: You, the Participant, alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your participation in our Workshop, you agree not to attempt to hold us, the Proprietors, liable for any decisions, actions or results that you make or experience in business or in life due to your participation in this Workshop at any time, under any circumstance.


By ticking the box, you agree to these terms and conditions. You, the Participant, hereby certify that you are 18 years of age or older. You have read and consent to all the terms detailed in this Agreement.

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Initiation 2024

Join us for a powerful, interactive, channeled experience with Lee and his guides, the Z's.

Here's what's included:

💫 The Power of Channeling - an exclusive 25-minute channeled message from Lee's guides, the Z's, available as soon as you register

💫 Four 90-minute live channeled video broadcasts with Lee

💫  Four Calibration Videos from Lee to help you integrate each of the four channeled teachings

💫  Video replays and downloadable audio files and transcripts of each session so you can review the teaching in whatever format you prefer

💫  An entire, brand-new album of original music from Lee and Davor Bozic called Medicine Mantras Vol 2, available to Initiation participants on October 21st, six weeks before it's publicly available

💫  A private discussion forum where you can discuss the teaching and connect with other participants from around the world

💫  Lifetime access to the material so you can revisit it whenever you feel called to.

We hope you'll come along for the ride. Join us!

What people are saying about their experience in Lee's previous channeled courses...

It really feels like my soul is pouring into my body in a grounded and pragmatic way. 10 years of therapy in a week. It all might sound as an advert, but it is the truth!

Guido M.

Beyond the depth and truth in the content of this course, what touches me the most profoundly is the grace of the flow, the gentleness of deeper listening, the truth in guidance, and the clear grounding you radiate, Lee. It is, to me, beauty, inspiration, and magnetic presence embodied. I feel beyond grateful for this journey, for you, Lee, your team, and for the Z's presence and wisdom. And for so much more than what I can express in words.

Johanne L.

This has helped heal, calm, guide, love, and support me during this challenging time, and I am so grateful. Thank you for who you are and what you offer in the world. It is a guiding light and healing balm.

Charmaine F.