An Online Course from Lee Harris Designed to Help You Understand and Recover from Difficult Relationships
This Powerful Experience Includes...

12 Modules of Transformative Video Teaching

Downloadable Course Worksheets with Every Module

Qigong from Steven Washington to Rebuild the Body

Downloadable Audio Files of Every Module to Listen On-the-Go

Special Bonus Content Including Soundhealing Audio Channels

2 Pre-recorded Q&A Broadcasts where Lee Addresses Common Questions from Participants

Private Discussion Boards for Sharing Thoughts and Asking Questions

Lifetime Access to All Materials Stored for You in A Private Members' Area
All this and more for
Register Now for Immediate Access to a
1-Hour Bonus Video Teaching from Lee!

This is a healing course designed to restore and return you to your power.
In early 2017, I responded to this question which was posed by a follower of my work, "Could you give advice on empaths standing up for themselves and remaining in their truth while dealing with a narcissist?" The 3-minute answer I gave has now been viewed over 250,000 times online. The overwhelming response to that clip was, "Can you please do more on this?"
The topic of recovering emotionally, mentally, spiritually, psychically and physically from narcissists whether they be parents, friends, bosses or intimate partners kept coming up in my work both online and at my events. It became clear that few people are untouched by the damage a narcissist can potentially do and, having had my own experiences of this dynamic and recovering from it, I have much to share on this topic as an empath.
Here's what some former participants have said about this experience...
Lindsay D.
"I have found so many answers that I have been searching for the last 16 years. I can see my whole life puzzle now and all the bits and pieces make sense now. I feel EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for Lee and his team for this amazing work that is surely LIFE-CHANGING. I have already recommended the course to a couple of my friends who have a similar story to mine. I found the course very well-structured, well spaced, with content shared in a digestable way, well-thought-out questions, not too many, just enough. The price is reasonable as well. If I had gone to a therapist and worked on these issues, I would have had to pay thousands of $ and it would have taken me years and years and it wouldn't have been that depth that I am very grateful for..."
Christine R.
Empaths vs. Narcissists is your very best and most important work to date Lee! Can't thank you enough for this healing wisdom you provide for those of us still stuck and desperately trying to work our way through and out from under…
Rebecca P.
This class is so well defined, so on point, so direct and so clear. It is helping me to put my own daily, weekly, and yearly plan of action into place in a very clear and concise form. I am ready to stand in my own power and the timing was perfect for me. I think you have helped me gather everything I have been learning so that I can organize it and use it each and every day. This is the most powerful plan!
Michael M.
I love this course. It is so eye-opening to see how easily I was preyed upon and so willingly fell into the narcissist’s trap. Like so many, the emotions are swirling. I'm grateful for it since I know that means I am processing and shifting let alone healing. How empowering for all of us. Finally, a road map.
How is the Course Broken Down?
The course defines Empaths and Narcissists and explains why they are attracted to each other. It tracks the development of the relationship and the way the dynamic unfolds right up to the moment of realization and shock. It looks deeply at the size and scope of damage you can possibly face. This course then carefully, lovingly and with precision gives you all the insights, advice and tools you need to make both a full recovery and to protect yourself from this dynamic in the future. It is a must for anyone determined to recover from this relational experience. Here are the modules...

Frequently Asked Questions
Will all of the material be available when I register for the course or is it released over time?
Do I have to download all these video files in order to watch them?
What if I want to take the material with me to listen to in the car, subway, airplane, while walking on the beach, etc?
What happens in the private Facebook group?
What if I'm not on Facebook?
Does the material expire or can I come back and revisit it whenever I want?
What is the outcome I can expect from this course? What is it going to give me?
How does this course help a person who cannot escape their narcissist?
What is the refund policy?
Does this course cover all types of empath & narcissist relationships?
Empaths vs. Narcissists has been described as a combination of one-on-one mentoring but also an energy healing like what occurs during your live retreats. What is going to happen while I progress through this course? How will that work?
About Lee Harris

Lee is a globally acclaimed Energy Intuitive and Transformation Guide, who offers grounded, practical teachings focused on helping conscious, intuitive, and sensitive people heal, thrive and live a better life. His book, ENERGY SPEAKS, became an instant bestseller in 2019, and his intuitive messages reach hundreds of thousands of people every month via his free and highly popular monthly Energy Update videos. Lee’s forthcoming book Conversations with the Z’s, Book One, will be published by New World Library on September 13, 2022. With over a hundred audio recordings and online courses for navigating a soul-led life with clarity, empowerment, and optimism, Lee also mentors creatives, healers and entrepreneurs on how to bring their gifts and talents into the world via his IMPACT THE WORLD training program and weekly video podcast. His annual SOUL MAGIC retreats and online workshops are adventures into the deepest aspects of living, loving, and awakening. As a musician and artist himself, Lee deeply believes in the power of our creativity for healing, and incorporates sound-healing and creativity into many of his works.