Impact the World is a Top 50 Podcast and we've now produced just over 150 shows in our Season 1 and as of November 2022, we've launched Season 2 with a dynamic and inspiring guest roster. The show is designed to inspire creatives, entrepreneurs, and change makers. Our guests share their stories of the work they do and the behind-the-scenes journey of what they are creating and experiencing. We explore the highs and lows, the challenges, gifts, and learning that takes place along the way as we each impact the world.
"I have never written a review for a podcast before, and I feel that I would be doing a disservice to myself, to Lee and to the world if I don't for this one. I am unbelievably thankful that this podcast has found me because it is breaking me open with every interview, every Energy Update, and every word. I didn't know I needed this content in my life and now I can't imagine my life without it! I have listened to some episodes more than once because the learning was so profound that I wanted to soak it in again and again. I continue to share episodes with friends and my coaching clients because there are nuggets of wisdom and guidance for us all in every episode. I can't recommend it enough! Warning: you won't be the same after listening to it, and for that, I thank Lee and his team for putting this into the world and for making such an impact in my life."
- Robin A
This is a completely free audio-visual offering and you can subscribe via YouTube, or Apple Podcasts right now so you get delivery of every new video show as it is released. If you can subscribe, rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts, we'd be so grateful as that will help us reach a wider audience. Thank you for your support!