New Energy Relationships

“I am willing and able to open my heart to the love of the world, just as I am ready to love the world with all my heart. I am able and ready to do this, and I trust that I will not move faster than I am ready for, so in peace and surrender, I open my heart to this process, for I am pure love on Earth” – Exercise given by Lee Harris from New Energy Relationships

Are you ready for a whole new perspective on love? One that honors the spirit of the individuals who want to come together in unique, creative, and passionate ways? New Energy Relationships covers a wide range of topics, from personal love in human relationships to universal and unified love.

Part One includes Lee’s discussion about his own relationships, which serves as an open platform to discuss relationships as a whole. This discussion includes: releasing relationship wounds, your relationship with yourself, and moving beyond restrictive definitions.

Part Two is all about exploring and igniting passion within relationships. This includes opening the heart to realize your own highest potential within relationships, and to discover relationships that can constantly change and renew themselves. It is a celebration of relationships, and of the transformative journey every individual takes through all of the varied relationships of life.

New Energy Relationships includes a guided exercise to help transform and release old relationship patterns.

Total running time: 1 hour 40 mins


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