The Soul Aflame

Three magical recordings emerged from Lee’s 2017 Soul Magic Costa Rica retreat - with undeniable power and potential to ignite an individual's transformation. The Soul Aflame is a Box Set containing all three recordings from the event plus an exclusive channel.

The New Human Soul - maps how we transmute a large part of our ancestry, allowing us to operate from a whole new soul understanding and potential in our daily lives - to be a more powerful future soul on the planet.

Creative Soul Fire - this recording speaks to the volcanic, creative fire within all of us that activates in our base chakras and has the power to totally transform the landscape of our being and our lives.

The Light Beyond Fear - soothes and strengthens us ready for the impact on the world we now seek to make. Having left so much that was inherited behind, it guides us to move past the fears that will naturally arise as we step into the world and become what we came here to be.

Bonus MP3 - Alchemise Your Lifeforce -  is the perfect prelude to the journey. It shows you how to fundamentally change the way you view the intensity of these times - from hoping it will diminish and cease - to fully embracing and harnessing that intensity for your own transformation.

This series of recordings is an energetic gateway to Impacting the World for the better. Together they serve as a mini-retreat to accelerate your soul’s potential and power. Enjoy them for yourself or as a gift to someone you love!


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